Climbing Wall

The Central Attraction at The Centre of Elgin
The climbing wall is designed to be a central attraction at The Centre of Elgin consisting of two vertical sides; one slab, and one slight overhang, beginners can easily ascend up past the second floor balcony. The dimensions measure 32’H x 28’W with a total of 1165 sq. ft.

It provides climbing on five ropes and two auto belays. The routes are designed for all climbing abilities from kids to adults.

Climbing Wall Waivers

To use the Climbing Wall, you must bring in the completed and signed Adult Waiver if you are 18 and older, or the Youth Waiver signed by a parent or guardian, if you are under 18.

Open Climb
Open Climb fee is for climbers needing a belayer. Open to all interested in climbing. Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult unless Climb Certified. Facility members (excluding Bronze) climb free. Times vary weekly due to classes and private events.


Open ClimbResidentNon-Resident
Youth (5-17 years)$6$8
Adult (18+)$10$10
Youth 10 Punch Pass$40$48
Adult 10 Punch Pass$56$70

Register on-line for Climbing Wall Classes for any age!

Group Events
Make the climbing wall a part of your next group outing or event. A minimum two week advance notice is needed. Events are booked on Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons.

Hourly Rental Rates

Member/Non Profit$100/HOUR
Elgin Resident$120/HOUR
Non Resident$140/HOUR

Contact Michelle Hansen at 847-531-7011 or email at

Make Climbing Your Fitness Activity
Climbing is a great fitness activity! Change up your routine and make it a part of your daily workout. To get more information on how climbing can benefit your workout routine view
Climbing FAQ’s.